Old AT&T homepage

Old AT&T homepage

AT&T.com homepage Redesign: Personalization insights


While at AT&T, I conducted generative and evaluative research guiding the early development of a new AT&T homepage. The generative research focused on understanding the home page needs of AT&T users and how personalization would potentially improve their experience.

Personalization was explored using a mixed method approach, including a survey, a competitive review to evaluate how best-in-class sites personalize their home pages, and semi-structured interviews that combined some participatory design and early concept testing.

High Level Findings:

  • Customers valued personalization as well as companies that choose to tailor their websites for them, but some noted that they wanted to control it to better suit their needs.

  • Most customers generally had the expectation to log in to see a personalized experience, and some expressed uneasiness if they see personalization outside of that context, particularly when it followed them across different websites.

  • There were opportunities to improve the AT&T home page by simplifying the login experience, prioritizing content and recommendations based on the customer’s account and what they do on a typical visit, giving customers the reins to tailor content to their needs, and offering an easily discoverable rewards program.


Competitive Analysis, Survey, Interviews, Participatory Design, Concept Testing, Usability Testing